Autophagy (catabolic process) is a daily, routine technique of survival of our body.
Our body is designed to attack malignant and dead cells that interfere with the work of healthy cells, eliminating malignant and dead cells from the body, thereby improving the quality of healthy cells that can then function smoothly and maintain the body's health at a high level.
AUTOFAGY is of paramount importance to our health and is critically important to prevent disease and maintain good health. The main task of
autophagy is to collect garbage and dispose of it.
Garbage is considered to be viruses, bacteria, accumulations of damaged and dead proteins, cells (organelles), etc.
It is this waste disposal that is extremely important for normal metabolism. I would also mention
autophagocytosis (another name for
autophagy) that is important for the nervous system.
Through the nervous system, cells communicate with each other, which is important for our growth and development, synapse formation, etc.
Nerve cells have dynamic cellular processes for proper functioning, whereby they are used for protein synthesis and breakdown, and protein quality control in nerve cells is the basis of nerve cell physiology and pathology.
If there is a disruption of
autophagy, which should provide a healthy and clean cellular environment, by creating enzymes and maintaining healthy metabolism, nerve disorders are the cause.
Autophagy protects the communication mechanism of cells whose breakdown can cause brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as cancer.
Autophagy is the most important cause of the aging process.
This proves that if
autophagy is functioning properly, cellular disorders and free radical damage are virtually non-existent, or minimal.
Dr. James P. Watson, an expert in molecular biology of aging, said: "Science today has much more evidence of a link between
autophagy activation and longevity than any other means of promoting longevity, such as antioxidant supplementation, hormone replacement, anti-inflammatory therapies, telomerase activation, or stem cell therapy… ”.
Another, much larger scientist, almost 100 years ago discovered a way to maximize
autophagy activation. It was Dr. Manfred von Ardenne (January 20, 1907 - May 26, 1997) was a German researcher, applied physicist and inventor. He holds approximately 600 patents in the fields, including electron microscopy, medical technology, nuclear technology, plasma physics, and radio and television technology. One mineral, proteolytic enzymes important for protein metabolism in the mitochondria, regular static strength exercises, and alternating fasting are the most potent activators of
Mineral is magnesium chloride, more precisely, magnesium oil that is transdermally applied. Magnesium has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and a great ability to increase the capacity of oxygen in the body.
Most people do not take magnesium seriously when it comes to dealing with cancer and other serious illnesses.
Researchers at Japan's National Cancer Center in Tokyo found that increased intake of magnesium reduced the risk of colon cancer by more than 50 percent. Men with the highest average intake of magnesium (at least 327 mg / d) were associated with a 52 percent lower risk of colon cancer, compared with men who consumed the lowest average intake.
Published in the Journal of Nutrition, the study looked at 87,117 people with an average age of 57 and followed them for about eight years. Dietary intake was evaluated using a food frequency questionnaire. The average amount of magnesium for men and women was 284 and 279 milligrams per day, respectively.
Magnesium stabilizes ATP by allowing DNA and RNA transcription and repair.
Magnesium deficiency is carcinogenic, and in the case of solid tumors, high levels of magnesium supplementation block carcinogenesis. Magnesium deficiency causes carcinogenesis by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane.
The cells then have a smoother surface than normal and have a lower membrane viscosity, analogous to changes in human leukemia cells.
There is a drastic change in the ionic flow from the outer and inner cell membranes (more calcium and sodium, and lower levels of Mg and Potassium).
As I wrote,
autophagy is a catabolic process by which cells constantly break down their unnecessary parts to stimulate new growth and maintain homeostasis and optimal health.
Autophagy balances the synthesis, degradation and recycling of cellular components for better cell function. This is the reason that
autophagy must be at the very center of the prevention of malignancies (and other diseases).
Conventional medicine focuses on cancer development for gene mutations that attempt to eliminate a series of unsuccessful drug therapies, while in reality, damaged DNA is only a symptom of
autophagy cessation, which can only be affected by therapies that restore metabolic health.
It was Dr. Otto Warburg in the 1920s (1923 - 1924) who proved what he ultimately won the 1931 Nobel Prize for.
With the displeasure of his "colleagues" he presented his theory that cancer is not a gene but a metabolic disease caused by a complete disruption of cellular metabolism. Metabolic mitochondrial disorder, not a genetic predisposition, is the reason why healthy cells suddenly switch to an anaerobic state, taking in oxygen by fermenting glucose where lactic acid is produced as a byproduct, the pH drops to 7-6.5 and within 48 hours the cell becomes malignant.
To date, science has endorsed it numerous times, but the cancer industry is not interested in doing the opposite, trying in every way to prevent this truth from coming to the public.
Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston University describes cancer as a metabolic disorder (disease) that alters the entire cell complex, while gene mutations are just one of the side-effects that only worsen the body's condition.
Complete DNA sequencing has shown that the mutational signature of certain cancers is completely different from one another and even among cells within the same tumor.
This nullifies the purpose of targeted drugs to eliminate a DNA mutation, which is essentially a billion dollar fog hunt.
All of this is evidence that a disorder in
autophagy activity that led to complete mitochondrial metabolic disorder is the sole cause of cancer.
The person who has contributed the most to understanding
autophagy in the world is Japanese molecular biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his work on cell
autophagy, the process by which cells deal with "unwanted" parts and proteins.
Why is autophagy important in the aging process?
Because research shows that our aging, that is, the formation of wrinkles and the accumulation of pounds over the years, is the result of the accumulation of damaged cells that failed to recover.
Autophagy literally means "self-eating", and refers to the body's ability to absorb its own waste.
But like everything in our body, this process is less and less effective over the years.
Therefore, not only does our body accumulate more and more garbage over time, it also becomes too slow to clean itself of it.
Another important thing in the whole story is the temporary post.
Namely, if you eat constantly, like most, you do not give your cells the opportunity to repair and clean up the waste and toxins that have accumulated.
However, occasional short periods of inactivity give them time to take care of cellular debris.
A diet should be implemented that suggests that during the three so-called. Weak days, fasting for 16 hours, and eating only for eight hours. If you want to be practical, you can stop eating after dinner, so most of your fasting will last while you sleep.
For example, if you stop eating at 8pm or even better around 5pm one evening, your first meal will be around 9am the next day. So, basically, just skip breakfast. As long as your post lasts 16 hours, you can adjust it to the schedule that suits you.
Weak days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Start at 09.00 with a cup of
AutophaTe and a small meal such as half an avocado sprinkled with fresh lemon juice, sea salt and chilli flakes with two teaspoons of avocado oil.
In the evening, at about 5 pm, eat a light dinner, such as Mediterranean chopped salad and asparagus soup. Enter up to 25 grams of protein.
Do not exercise.
Drink up to four cups of
AutophaTe daily to reduce hunger and boost mood.
Stronger days - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
AutophaTe in the morning.
Exercise up to 45 minutes at a faster pace in the gym. Consume large amounts of protein (45 to 150 g) on average. Post start as I wrote my best at about 5 pm.
Research shows that 16 hours is the optimal period to create the calorie restriction that occurs during temporary fasting, allowing your body to activate
autophagy through various channels.
However, to enhance the effectiveness of intermittent fasting, it is suggested to supplement with a protein cycle. Thus, three days with low protein intake were deliberately established to enhance
On other days, protein reduction is no longer as effective, so increase the amount of protein.
MITOCHONDRIA THEORY - Why can't our heart and our brain get cancer
Mitochondrial theory tells us that our cells alter metabolism through fermentation. Fermentation is the process when sugar (C6H1206) in mitochondria decomposes into water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by multiple gradual processes.
Fermentation processes need to be light and gradual because otherwise we would develop so much heat in the degradation process that we would burn out.
Our cells are energy producers in order to maintain a body temperature of 36.7 ° C, and each of us has a cooling system that determines how much temperature will develop in the body.
Each of our cells produces 192 J (joules) of energy instead of the maximum 2.814 J, which makes our body an energy problem, with more variable effects on our body, such as. tumor.
The most important single effect is the reduced strain on our cell membrane. This reduced cell membrane stress plays a significant role because the cell membrane decides what enters and exits the cell.
This altered cell membrane stress causes a lack of oxygen in the cell. At this point, only two options remain for the station.
He may decide to die or start a life without oxygen, ie. to start consuming more energy than it produces. The by-product of this "decision" is then the immortality of the station. Tumors do not appear because cells divide too quickly, but because old cells do not die.
This anaerobic survival system exists in all our cells, the life of the oxygen-free cell, it is natural, and it means the ability to produce the energy we need through fermentation in all our cells, otherwise we would not be able to survive the first days after conception in the mother's womb.
There are two places on our body where cancer cannot develop.
Cancer can never develop on the heart and brain.
The brain is made up of nerve cells (neurons) that cannot be divided, multiplied, and then there can be no brain tumors.
What exists on the brain (if it is a tumor) are tumors on GLIA cells, which are the base of brain tissue, which multiply throughout life.
Cells that are the base tissue of the brain are made up of the layer of the mesoderm and encompass most of our brain and are composed of cells such as glia cells, astrocytes or oligodendrocytes, from which the names of brain tumors (glioblastoma, astrocytomas, etc.) originate.
In the case of our heart whose cells are constantly multiplying, the situation is different. Cell membranes have a voltage of -70 mV to -90 mV and as long as this voltage is maintained, it is impossible for the cell to start fermenting, ie. it cannot become a tumor cell.
The heart undergoes a slightly higher power output than through other cellular structures, and therefore it is not possible for the cardiac cells to degenerate.
This mitochondrial theory of tumor formation has been deliberately overlooked and neglected for years, as if there were no facts that the tumor never appears on the heart and nerve cells and that metastases most commonly occur on the liver and lungs, organs whose cells reproduce and divide extremely quickly.
Mitochondrial theory completely negates the theory of mutation on which medicine is official and bases its deliberately wrong methods of treatment, otherwise they would not have the alibi to sell chemical oncological poisons.
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